Wednesday, 6 July 2011

I made my first GIFT Squidoo lense for my friend San

Image representing Squidoo as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
When I was searching around the Squidoo site over the weekend, I noticed that it was not only possible to buy and sell lenses, but also make gift lenses for your friends.                                                                                                                                                                             So I decided to make one for my friend San, who I am on this Squidoo journey with. We help each other out and if one of us learns something new, or has a great idea, we share it and work together on it. So I made the lense for San and added lots of links to all her online writing ventures and sent her the email. She accepted it and made a few adjustments, which I was fine with. The idea was that I put the initial work into it to make it look good, with the borders ect, and let her then add anything she desired to make it even better.                                                                                      Here is the Squidoo gift lense I made for my Friend San.  AskSan Anything
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