Wednesday, 11 January 2012

New goals for 2012

2011 was a good year on Squidoo, especially for learning. Although I didn't earn a huge amount, I did learn a lot.
I now have 57 Squidoo lenses, 19 trophies and I am on level 47.
I spend at least an hour on Squidoo everyday, usually more, and I am constantly trying to improve the lenses I already have and read and research on how to improve my lenses.
In 2011 I managed to make my first 3 Amazon sales, which I was very happy about, as it gave me motivation to carry on.
I also have on average around 8 lenses in the top 85,000, 2 of which drift in and out between Tier 2 and Tier 3 lenses.

My goals now are:
  • To update the lenses I already have and make them worthy enough to be receiving a decent amount of daily traffic.
  • To make more Amazon sales.
  • To become a Giant Squid. ( really want that lens template)

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